



灘高校2008年度英語入試問題 英文完成         

灘高校2008年度英語入試問題 英文完成問題

次の(   )に入る語を答えよ。ただし、(   )には【_ _ _】で説明された語と同じ綴りの語が入る。

1. The bus was delayed because there was a feve-mile traffic ( _ _ _).

【 a thick sweet substance made from boiled fruit and sugar, eaten especially on bread 】

2.Please raise your glass. Let's give a (_ _ _ _ _) to his success.

【 a slice of bread that has been made brown and crisp by heating it on both sides 】

 3.This test is easy. It's piece of (___).

【 a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven, often decorated with whipped cream】

灘高校2008年度英語入試問題 英文完成(1)解説解答

次の(   )に入る語を答えよ。ただし、(   )には【_ _ _】で説明された語と同じ綴りの語が入る。

1. The bus was delayed because there was a feve-mile traffic ( _ _ _).

【 a thick sweet substance made from boiled fruit and sugar, eaten especially on bread】


a thick sweet substance made from boiled fruit and sugar, eaten especially on bread


よって jam

1. The bus was delayed because there was a feve-mile traffic (jam).


答  jam

灘高校2008年度英語入試問題 英文完成問題(3)解説解答

3.This test is easy. It's piece of (_ _ _ _).

【 a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven, often decorated with whipped cream】


3.【 a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs,butter,sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven, often decorated with whipped cream】

よって cake

This test is easy. It's piece of (cake).このテストは簡単だよ。

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