
北里大学 医学部 英語過去問対策


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2008年度北里大学医学部英語入試問題は1.長文総合 2.長文総合 3.アクセント 4.誤句指摘 5.適語選択 6.英文完成(語句選択式)の大問6題構成でした。

今回は Ⅵの英文完成を解説します。

2008年度北里大学 医学部 英語入試問題 


北里大学医学部英語入試問題 解説解答


(ア)解説 解答


(  ) are (  ) , (  ) days, (  ) ( 55 ) (  ) (  ) ( 56 ) (  ) (  ). 

① their college ② seeking ③ many students ④ other ⑤ there ⑥ these ⑦ education ⑧ to pursue ⑨ countries ⑩ in  

解説  There are many student, these days, seeking to pursue their college education in other countries.

解答    (55)       ⑧ to pursue  (56)  ⑩ in

(イ)解説 解答


(  ) (  ) to (  ) ( 57) (  ) ( 58 ) (  ) a (  ) (  ) (  ).

① themselves ② completely ③ the students ④ in ⑤ different ⑥ have ⑦ a new life ⑧ world ⑨ adjust⑩ to


adjust :【他動詞】
adjuto + O + to +(代)名詞〕〈…を〉〔…に〕合わせる.

The students have to adjust themselves to a new life in a completely different world .

解答  (57) ① temselves   (58) ⑦ a new life

(ウ)解説 解答


The (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) difficulty in their home country (  ) ( 59 ) (  ) ( 60 ) (  ) (  ) do. 

① do not ② expect them to ③ do ④ as they ⑤ smoothly ⑥ they ordinarily ⑦ as ⑧ without ⑨ go ⑩ things

解説 The things they ordinarily do without difficulty in their home country do not go as smothly as they expect them to do.

解答   (59) ⑨ go  (60) ⑤ smoothly

(エ)解説 解答


But the (  ) and stressful (  ) (  ) (  ) ( 61 ) (  ) (  ) ( 62 ) they (  ) (  ) difficulties.

① into ② the initial ③ hardships ④ overcome ⑤ are ⑥ once ⑦ ones ⑧ experiences ⑨ pleasurable ⑩ transformed


transform + O + into + (代)名詞)〕:Oを~に変換する

But the hardships and stressful experiences are transformed into pleasurable ones once they overcome the initial difficulties.

解答    (61) ① into  (62)  ⑥ once

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