
日本医科大学医学部受験 過去問対策





今回は日本医科大学英語入試問題Ⅰ出典 Joyce Arthur,"The Limits of Fee Speech"を解説します。





問1 下線部(1)The history of violence against abortion providers makes a strong case for prosecution of those who spread hate speech against them.を日本語に訳しなさい。

abortion: 人工流産,妊娠中絶,堕胎; 流産,
get [have,procure] an abortion:妊娠中絶する,堕胎させる

provider(health care provider):患者が接する人のこと.たいていの場合開業医,看護婦,助産婦,診療助手,医療ソーシャルワーカー,理学療法士などの保健従事者のような専門職。

them=abortion providers:医師に限らないので、ここでは妊娠中絶手術を行う人々

prosecution:【法律, 法学】 起訴,告発.

case:(通例単数形で) 人を納得させうるような十分な論拠・主張 〔for; against〕

主部はThe history of violence against abortion providers:妊娠中絶手術をする人々対する暴力の歴史

答   妊娠中絶手術を行う人々に対する暴力の歴史は、彼らに対する憎悪の言葉を広める人々を告発する強固な論拠となる。

問2 [1]と[2]に入る最も適切な表現を、それぞれa~dから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
[1] a. Be quiet!   b. Bravo!    c.Fire!   d.Speak up!
本文2行目 In constitutional democracies, free speech is already justifiably restricted in many ways by law or policy, even in the United State. 言論の自由はすでに当然のことに制限されている。
よって The famous example of prohibited speech is falsely shouting "[1]" in a crowded theater. 混雑した劇場で叫ぶのを制限される言葉は、観客をパニックに落としかねない「火事だ!」  答  c

問2 [1]と[2]に入る最も適切な表現を、それぞれa~dから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
[2] a.false alarm b. kindly warning c. legal notice d. true threat
The posters:第6パラグラフ"Wanted Posters" put out by anti-abortion groups on the doctors, complete with their home and clinic addresses and often their photographs.中絶医の家や医院の住所やしばしば医師達の写真までのせた「お尋ね者ポスター」
このお尋ね者ポスターに載せられていたDr.David Gunn, John Britton and Tillerが殺害されたり、負傷させられたとあるので、
The posters were deemed by a federal court in 2002 to be a "[2]" under the Freedom of Access to clinic Entrances Act, federal legislation that protects clinics from violence.
2002年に連邦裁判所により、医院を暴力から守る連邦法規である医院へアクセスする自由の法律に対する[2]と見なされた。ので[2]はd. true threat=正真正銘の脅威

答   d

問3 第5パラグラフにある{ }内の語句を最も適切な順序に並べ替えて、2番目と6番目にくるものの記号を順に書きなさい。
Of course, {(a) wasn't just (b)and(c)the targets (d)his clinic(e)that were(f)it(g)Dr. Tiller} of ongoing harassment and inflammatory hateful rhetoric.
Of course, it wasn't just Dr.Tiller and his clinic that were the targets of ongoing harassment and inflammatory hateful rhetoric.
it ~that・・・の強調構文

答   2番目 a   6番目 e

問4 下線部(2)~(4)の動詞をそれぞれ適切な形に直して1語で書きなさい。直す必要がない場合はそのままの形でよい。
This radical group had moved to Wichita in 2002 for the sole purpose of driving Dr. Tiller out of buisiness, and in the seven years (2)lead up to his murder, Or engaged in a relentless campaign of hate and harassment against him.
lead up to :次第に…に至る; 徐々に…に話を向ける.
in the seven years (2)leading up to his murder :lead 以下が (in the seven) yearsを修飾。 「彼の殺害に至る7年間」。分詞が目的語・補語・修飾語句を伴うときには名詞の後に置かれる。ここでは能動的意味を表すので現在分詞の leading

The reign of terror directed at clinics and providers across North America has been going on for 35 years - including 9 murders and 20 (3)attempt murders of doctors and clinic workers, and hundreds of arson and bomb attacks on clinics.
attempt:【他動詞】試みる tryより形式張った語。結果的な失敗を含意することが多い。
        ここでは murdersを修飾する。他動詞の過去分詞は受動的な意味を表す。
attenpted murders:殺人未遂
including 9 murders and 20 attempted murders of doctors and clinic workers,:医師や医院従業員への9件の殺人と20件の殺人未遂を含んでいる

and see their children ostracized and (4)bully at school


bully:【他動詞】〈…を〉いじめる,〈…を〉いじめて[脅して]〔…を〕させる 〔into〕


see their children ostracized and bullied at school「自分たちの子供が仲間はずれにされたり、学校でいじめられたりするのをみる

問6 [3]に入る最も適当な語句を、この本文で使われている連続した英語2語で書き抜きなさい。
The idea that vulnerable people and groups should have to tolerate [3] against them in the name of freedon of expression is offensive
vulnerable people and groups should have to tolerate [3] against them in the name of freedon of expression
下線部(1)The hisotory of violence against abortion providers makes a strong case for prosecution of those who spread hate speech against them.
hate speech:憎悪発言,、ヘイトスピーチ◆集団や個人を憎悪して、差別したり、けなしたりする発言。

答   hate speech

問7 次のa~dから本文の内容と一致する英文を1つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。
a. The author supports the view that hate speech should only be restricted in extreme and very limited circumstances, such as when it leads directly to violence.
b. A federal court ruled in 2002 that wanted posters and a website identifying and sharing personal information about abortion providers are free speech protected by the First Amendment.
c. Since the assassination of Dr. Tiller, a clear pattern has emerged between the distribution of wanted posters and the murder of the doctors named on the posters.
d. The author indicates that OperationRescue created an environment where a person who is already sympathetic to its views feels validated and encouraged to take action.
a. The author supports the view that hate speech should only be restricted in extreme and very limited circumstances, such as when it leads directly to violence.
→ 第8パラグラフ:The idea that vulnerable people and groups should have to tolerate hate speech against them in the name of freedom of expression is offensive.
The right to free speech is a fundamental value, but it should not be allowed to outweigh the basic human rights of other people, expecially their right to life.

従って false

b. A federal court ruled in 2002 that wanted posters and a website identifying and sharing personal information about abortion providers are free speech protected by the First Amendment.
下級審の判決を覆して2002年に連邦裁判所は「The posters were neemed by a federal court in 2002 to be a "true threat" under the Freedom of Access to Clinnic Entrances Act,federal legislation that protects clinics from vilence.」医院の玄関へアクセスする自由の法律の本当の脅威であると見なした。従ってfalse

c. Since the assassination of Dr. Tiller, a clear pattern has emerged between the distribution of wanted posters and the murder of the doctors named on the posters.
Some shootings in the early 1990s were directly preceded by "Wanted Posters" put out by anti-abortion groups on the doctors, complete with their home and clinic addresses and often their photographs.1990年代初頭に発砲事件が起きる前に「お尋ね者ポスター」が公開されていた。従ってfalse

d. The author indicates that OperationRescue created an environment where a person who is already sympathetic to its views feels validated and encouraged to take action.

答   d

問8 解説解答
問8 この本文に含まれている単語について、次の(1)と(2)のア~エの中に最も強く発音される音節の母音が他の3と異なるものがそれぞれ1つある。その記号を答えなさい。
(1) ア. campaign  イ. debate   ウ. legislation   エ. rhetoric
(2) ア. photograph イ. pocket   ウ. poster     エ. shoulder
ア. campaign  
イ. debate   
ウ. legislation   
エ. rhetoric(re??r?k):語源は紀元前のギリシャ語rh?torik?「弁論術」

ア. photograph 
イ. pocket:
ウ. poster     
エ. shoulder

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