英語Ⅰ 英文完成
電話: 03-6868-6040
受付時間: 平日 AM 10:00 〜 PM 9:00
1. A: Hi Jane. What's the forecast for tonght? B:Just a moemt. Let me chek. [1] A:thank you. ① Sure, it souds just like today! ② Didn't you know that it had already been decided? ③ Hot and humid in the afternoon. ④ Scattered thunderstorms are likely. ⑤ The weather has been quite bad. |
解説解答 |
Aの What's the forecast for tonght?:「今夜の天気予報はどう。」という質問に対し答えている。 ③ のHot and humid in the afternoon.は「午後は蒸し暑い。」 よって ④ Scattered thunderstorms are likely.:「ところどころ雷雨がありそうだよ。」 |
答 ④ |
2. Open your books to page 37. Let's take a look at one theory that I personally [2] very interesting.①find②find it ③ regard to ④ observe ⑤ consider it |
解説解答 |
that I personally [2] very interesting thatは関係代名詞(目的格)なので、[2]の動詞のあとに目的語はつかない。 interesting は補語なので、find + O +intersting:「Oが面白いことを発見する。見出す。」 observeは第5文型はとらない。 Let's take a look at one theory that I personally find very interesting.:「私が個人的に面白いと思う理論を見ましょう。」 |
答 ① |
3. Having things to chew [3] very young puppies with one of their major sources of stimulation, especially when they are still too young to be able to stay still even for a short period of time.①provide ② provides ③ are providing ④is provided by ⑤ were to be provided by |
解説解答 |
provide A with B:「AにBを提供する」 主語は having(動名詞)なので、三人称単数現在形の動詞 provies Having things to chew provides very young puppies with one of their major sources of stimulation,:「噛むものがあれば、とても幼い子犬は主要な刺激のもとを与えられる。」 |
答 ② |
答 ⑤ |
5. Well, if next week, I can meet you on the 10th or on the 12th. Would
[5] of these days be convenient for you? ① some ② which ③ either ④ none ⑤ two |
解説解答 |
if next week, I can meet you on the 10th or on the 12th.:「10日か12日か どちらが都合がよいか尋ねる内容なので、 ③either of these days ②whichの場合は Which of these days would be convenient for you? となり、語順が不可。 |
答 ③ |
答 ④ |
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答 ⑤ |