
北里大学医学部 過去問対策


こんにちは 英語指導専門プロ家庭教師の高田です。





北里大学医学部 2009年度 英語入試問題


北里大学医学部 2009年度 英語入試問ぢあ 設問

問1 本文中の(17)~(26)の空欄に入る最も適切なものを、それぞれ①~⑤の中から一つずつ選びなさい。

(17)  ① with ② for ③ on ④ in ⑤ from

(18)  ① By virtue of ② As for ③ But for ④ On account of ⑤ In behalf of

(19)  ① Unlike ② Like ③ In case ④o Besides ⑤ Owing to

(20)  ① has been frustrated ② was frustrating ③ has frustration ④ frustrated ⑤ has been frustrating

(21)  ① be ② being ③am ④ to be ⑤ to have been

(22)  ① fit in ② fill in ③ give in ④ take in ⑤ set in

(23)  ① avoided ② addressed ③ appeared ④ applied ⑤ attended

(24)  ①It is no wonder that ② It is unavoidable when ③ It is questionable if ④ It is not the case that ⑤ It is forgettable that

(25)  ① underlooking ② overcoming ③ overreacting ④ underperforming ⑤ underestimating

(26)  ① if we don't try harder ② unless we try hard ③ although we tried harder ④if we just tried harder ⑤ as we have tried hard

問2 本文中の[ア][イ]の空欄に入る最も適切なものを、それぞれ①~⑤の中から一つずつ選びなさい。
[ア]① Anything could be further from the truth.

  ② A little might be closer to the truth.

  ③ A few would be further from the truth.

  ④Nothing could be further from the truth.

  ⑤ Little may be closer to the truth.

[イ]①be They really need to be rejected

  ② They are grateful to be left out

  ③They are unwilling to be incorporated

  ④They are eager to be eliminated 

  ⑤They just want to be included

問3 下記の(29)~(31)の①~⑤の文の中から本文の内容と一致しないものを、それぞれ一つずつ選びなさい。

(29)① Katy feels cats rely less on body language than dogs.

  ② Katy wants to live in a society where both handicapped and non-handicapped can live together.

  ③ Katy shows that certain population of autistic people cant communicate what tey are thinking with a sophisticated communication device.

  ④ In the new program, the anchor wrapped up the story of a woman with autism with the comments from a physician.

  ⑤ Ktheaty speaks for the basic human rights of the autistic.

(30) ① A reporter was able to visit Katy in person.

  ② In her childhood, Katy felt more comfortable with animals than with humans.

  ③ In the early years of her life, Kath didn't show any signs of being unusual.

  ④ Katy realies heavily on a voice synthesizer linked to keyboard to interact with people.

  ⑤ A TV program focusing on Katy, an autistic woman, was broadcast twon nights in a row.

(31) ① Doctors identified the clinical nature of Katy's medical condition during her adolescence.

  ② Professor Brown believes there is a lot of importance in haveing and accepting diversity in society.

  ③ Katy describes her experience as an autistic person with the help of a high-tech device.

  ④ Many autistic person are likely to have trouble in establishing human relationships.

  ⑤ Katy totally lost her verbal communication abilities although she is not mentally deiabled.

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