
北里大学 医学部 英語過去問対策


こんにちは 英語指導専門プロ家庭教師の高田です。

2012年度北里大学医学部一般入学試験は 受験生1,923名 一次合格者数344名 二次合格者数183名 二次合格者の一次試験最高点435点 合格者最低点 333点 合格最低得点率66.6% 例年より約10%合格最低得点率が高い結果でした。

2012年度北里大学医学部英語入試問題は例年通りオールマークシート解答形式で、Ⅰ長文総合、Ⅱ英文完成(空欄適語選択)、Ⅲ対話完成、 Ⅳ英文設問解答 Ⅴ整序英作文大問5題構成でした。

今回は北里大学の医学部一般英語入試問題の中から Ⅴ整序英作文を解説します。

2012年度北里大学 医学部 英語入試問題 



北里大学医学部英語入試問題 解説解答


Recently, exercise has (  ) (  ) (  ) (37) (  ) (  ) (  ) (38) (  ) (  ) in daily.
① allowed  ② burn  ③ calories  ④ I  ⑤ me  ⑥ some of  ⑦ take  ⑧ that  ⑨ the excess  ⑩ to
allow + [名] to do 〈人に〉(…することを)許可する
Recently, exercise has allowed me to burn some of the excess calories that I take in daily.

答   37  ② ,38 ⑧


It (  ) (  ) (39) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (40) (  ) (  ) my jokes had been.
① everyone  ② not  ③ humorous  ④ I saw  ⑤ laughing with  ⑥ how  ⑦ me  ⑧ that I realized  ⑨ until  ⑩ was

not ・・・ until ~:~するまで・・・ない,~して初めて・・・する
I didn't realized how humorous my jokes had been until I saw everyone laughing with me.

It is ~ that を用いて強調
It was not unti I saw everyone laughing with me that I realized how humorous my jokes had beeen.

答    39 ⑨  40 ⑧


Automakers are (  ) (41) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (42) (  ) (  ) (  ) demand.

① customer  ② electric  ③ in order   ④  meet   ⑤  of  ⑥ on  ⑦ the development  ⑧ to   
⑨ vehicles  ⑩ working

work on ~ :~に取りかかる,=に取り組む
meet: ここでは

Automakers are working on the development of electric wehicles in order to meet customer demand.

答    41 ⑥  42 ③


Ogai Mori's ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (43) (44) ( ) ( ) to the formation of modern Japanese literature.
① contributions  ② he  ③ Japanese  ④ made  ⑤ medicine  ⑥ of  ⑦ parallel  ⑧ the modernization
⑨ those  ⑩ to

Ogai mori's contributions to the moderniation of Japanese medicine paraallel those he made to the formation of Japanese literature.

答    43 ⑦  ,44 ⑨


Formerly in Japan, ( ) ( ) ( ) (45) ( ) ( ) ( ) (46) ( ) ( ) workers up to retirement age.
① was  ② companies  ③ employ  ④ for  ⑤ granted  ⑥ it  ⑦ taken  ⑧ that  ⑨ to  

⑩ would continue

take it for granted ~:当然~だと思う
Formerly in Japan, it was taken for granted that companies would to employ workers up to retirement age.

答   45④   46⑩
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