
杏林大学医学部 過去問対策


こんにちは 英語担当プロ家庭教師の高田です。





杏林大学医学部 2010年度 英語入試問題 対話文 問題


医学部受験プロ家庭教師スペースONEの杏林大学医学部英語入試問題 解説解答


A:  Please fill out the circled area, and come back to me.
B:  (         )?
A:  Here you go.
① Can I lend something to write down.
② Can I lend something to write with.
③ Can I borrow something to wite down.
④ Can I borrow something to write with.
lend: allow ( a person ) to use for a time (opp. borrow)
borrow: get ( something ) from another person with the promise to return it
A:  Please fill out the circled area, and come back to me. まるで囲んだところを記入して、戻ってきてください。
書くもの借りるのはB, 何か書くもの(道具)を借りるので with

答   ④


A:  We shouldnt't let our children use the mower. It's too dangerous.
B:  What If I keep an eye on them, while they are using it?
A:  (     )
① Okay. That would help them move it.
② No! That doesn't make any difference.
③ Yes! Just leave them alone. 
④ Really? That souds weird.
B:  What If I keep an eye on them, while they are using it?
them = our children, it = mower
what if:(1)what would happen if …したらどうなるだろう (大変だ) (2) What does it matter if…したってかまうものか.。
よって ②That doesn't make any difference.子供たちだけでやらせるのと同じことだ。(Bが見てても無駄だ。)

答  ②


A: I'm going to Becky's Diner now.(        )?
B: Oh, I'm afraid I can't. My mother is coming to see me in about half an hour.
① Did you go there yesterday.
② Did you want to come with me.
③ Can you bring me back something to eat.
④ Can you come up with any.
B: Oh, I'm afraid I can't. My mother is coming to see me in about half an hour.
② Did you want to come with me. 私と一緒に行きたい気がありましたか?

答  ②


A: Who is ready for dessert?
B: (         ).
A: Are you sure? They have good ones.
① I'm staffed. 
② I'm pretty much stiff. 
③ I'm stuffy. 
④ I'm pretty much stuffed.
staff:〈…に〉職員[部員(など)]を置く 《★通例受身で用いる》


A: Are you sure? They have good ones. 本当?美味しいのよ。
より ④ I'm pretty much stuffed.おなかいっぱい食べた。

答  ④


A: I can't find my scissors.
B: I didn't see (          ).  These are mine. 
① both of them
② any of them 
③ them 
④ either of them
( )に入るのは your scissors よって ③ them

答   ③
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