
日本大学医学部 過去問対策


こんにちは 英語担当プロ家庭教師の柴田です。

2008年度の日本大学医学部英語入試問題は 約600words,400wordsの長文問題2問(日本語記述解答・英語記述解答)以外は語句選択式の空所補充問題4の6問構成でした。


日本大学医学部 2008年度 英語入試問題3. 対話文完成 問題


医学部受験プロ家庭教師スペースONEの日本大学医学部2008年度英語入試問題 解答

Joe: Have you been following the newspapers about the first heart transplant recipient?

Pam: ( 1 c. Yeah, I did see something about that on TV,actually.) Didn't it take place at the Metropolitan Hospital in Tokyo?

Joe: Yes, ( 2'f. It's really exciting, I think.) In Japan, they didn't allow organ transplants until recently.

Pam: Yes, I heard that people who needed them in the past, ( 3i. used to trave outside Japan. )

Sometimes they went to the United States.

Joe: Uh, huh. ( 4g. Wherever a specialist was for the particular disease they had. ) that's where they had to go.

Often the operation wasn't possible if the person was too ill.

Pam: ( 5b. Now, they'll be able to stay in their own country and receive the organ.) That's much easier.

Joe: I think people who are seriously ill will be relieved to know that they can get a transplant right here in Japan.
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