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日本大学薬学部受験 過去問研究


こんにちは 英語担当プロ家庭教師の柴田です。

2014年度の日本大学薬学部英語入試問題は例年通り 長文問題3問、整序英作文・会話文完成(語句選択式の空所補充問題)の5問構成でした。






(a) 解説・解答

Jenny: Jean, you're just the person I wanted to see!
Jean:  Hi, Jenny. What' up?  You look worried.
Jenny: Well, I am. I just missed my bus and I don't think I'm goint [29] for the concert.
Jean: Don't worry. I'll take you in my car. I'm going too.
① make up time
② make it in time
③ catch up for
④ catch the time up

① make up time:「やり直し時間」
② make it in time:「間に合う」
③ catch up for:「追いつく」
④ catch the time up:「時間に追いつく」

just missed my bus:「乗るはずだったバスに乗り損ねた。」 ので I don't think I'm goint [29] for the concert. 
I don't think I'm goint for the concert.:「コンサートに間に合いそうもない。」

答   ②

(b) 解説・解答

Rob: Bill [30]?
Bill: Suer, I'm just going for a coffee. Let's go together.
Rob: Great. I really need to talk to someone about my new job offer.
Bill: Ok/ let's go to the new cafe over there. It's quieter.
① Do you have a minute.
② Do you anve any coffee.
③ Do you want to try the new cafe.
④ Do you have to go in a minute.
Bill: Suer, I'm just going for a coffee. Let's go together.「お茶使用と思っていたんだ。一緒に行こうよ。」とあるので、[30]は① Do you have a minute.:「ちょっといい?」「時間ある?」

答  ①

(C) 解説・解答

Jane: What a mess! What are you doing with all these old photographs?
Egan: I'm going to scan them and make a digital album.
Jane: Great. Who's this man? You look like him.
Egan: He's my uncle. I really [31] more than my Dad.
① take for him
② take towards him
③ take on after him
④ take after him
take for:「信念または見解として覚えておく、または伝える
take after…をまねる; …に似る
Jane:Who's this man? You look like him. :「この人誰?あなたによく似ている。」
Egan:He's my uncle. I really [31] more than my Dad.:「叔父だよ。父よりもぶっと似ているんだ。」
答   ④

(d) 解説・解答

Mr. Jones: It's really hot today. Let's go out.
Mrs. Jones: You're right. How about the city pool? It's cool there.
Mr. Jones: I always [32] old students of mine when I go there. It's embarrassing.
Mrs. Jones: OK. Let's go to the river. It'll be quieter.
① run into
② run against
③ run from
④ run down
run into = meet accidentally 《口語》〈人〉に偶然会う.
run against = run across, fall in with
I always tun into old students of mine when I go there. It's embarrassing. そこに行くと、私はいつも昔の教え子に出会うから、きまりが悪い。

答  ①

(e) 解説・解答

Mike:That's a cool lap top! What are you doing, your English homework?
George: Yeah. I'm using the automatic translator function. It's easy!
Mike: Your professor is going to [33] whe he finds out.
George: You think so?
Mike: Well. this is really strange English. He'll notice right away.
① fit you
② fit you up
③ fit you in
④ have a fit
Mike: Well. this is really strange English. 「これ=ラップトップの自動翻訳機は変な英語だよ。」から
have a fit:「(1) びっくりする(2) ひどく腹を立てる」.
Your professor is going to have a fit whe he finds out.先生が知ったらびっくりするよ。

答  ④

(f) 解説・解答

Diana: Hi, Linda! We haven't seen you for ages. When have you been?
Linda: Sorry. I've been training really hard in the pool every night.
Diana: Really? Do you have an important swim meet coming up?
Linda: Yes, nest month. [34] a place in the national team.
① I'm going to
② It's going to be after
③ I'm going after
④ It's after

swim meet:「水上競技会」

go after…:「(1) …を追いかける, 〈異性など〉のあとを追い回す (2) 〈仕事・賞など〉を求める, 得ようとする」.

I'm going after a place in the national team.ナショナルチームのメンバーになりたいの。

答  ③

(g) 解説・解答

Pharmacist: Here's your medicine, Mrs. Jones. You should take one tablet after meals.
Mrs. Jones: If I forget to take one, can I take two te next time?
Pharmacist: No. [35] your next dose as usual.
① You don't take
② You sould just take
③ You should just drink
④ You shouldn't drink
薬を服用する場合は drinkではなく、take.
No.とあるので、薬剤師の言葉は「次回もいつも通り服用しなければいけません。」よって ②

答  ②


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