
日本医科大学医学部受験 過去問対策



日本医科大学の英語は長文4題構成です。試験時間は90分間で 550~600 wordsほどの各課題文4問の内容を把握し、合格ライン80%を超えるには速読力が必要です。


2009年度日本医科大学一般前期英語入試問題Ⅲ.語形変化を伴う空所補充 問題 



2009年度日本医科大学医学部英語入試問題 解説解答

問1 解説解答

問1 [1]~[6]に入れるのに最も適当な同士を次の語群から選び、必要ならば適切な形に直して1語で書きなさい。なお、同じ語を繰り返して用いないこととする。

arise  cause  encounter  face  indicate  lead  produce  range  result  survive  sustain  transfer
(1) 解説
The need to solve problems is an everyday feature of our lives. There are many different types of problem, [1] from simple to complex, and trivial to life threatening.
(1. ranging)
(1) ranging : range from A to B range between A and B の形で、AからBま で量やサイズが変化する範囲を表します。
Estimates of the damage range between $1 million and $5 million.
He has had many different jobs, ranging from chef to cram school teacher.
There are many different types of problem, ranging from simple to complex, and trivial of life threatening.

(2) 解説
A well-known example of a complex, life-threatening problem [2] in the space flight of Apollo 13.
(2.arose )
arose :arise は「生じる、起こる」という意味。類語はoccur
A well-known example of a complex, life-threatening problem arose in the space flight of Apollo 13.
複雑で生命を脅かす問題のよく知られた例は、アポロ13号の宇宙飛行中 に起こった。

(3) 解説
The problem was how to turn the spacecraft around and return to the earth while [3] the lives of the three astronauts aboard with limited power, water and oxygen.
(3.sustaining )
sustaining : sustainは「(生命等を)維持する 支える」という意味。survive は「生き残る」でこの場合当てはまらない。
Few planets can sustain life. 生命を維持できる惑星はほとんどない。
The problem was how to turn the spacecraft around and return to the earth while sustaining the lives of the three astronauts aboard with limited power, water and oxygen.

(4・5) 解説
You may, for example, be [4] with the problem of how to get home when you have missed the bus, how to get in touch with someone when you have lost their telephone number, how to help a friend sho is unhappy, or how to get home when or how to [5] an excellent paragraph for your English homework.
(4. faced ) (5. produce )
faced :be faced with ( 解決しなければならない問題に)直面する。
produce: produceはここではcreatの意味です。
You may, for example, be (4. faced ) with the problem of how to get home when you have missed the bus, how to get in touch with someone when you have lost their telephone number, how to help a friend sho is unhappy, or how to get home when or how to (5. produce ) an excellent paragraph for your English homework.
(4)バスに乗り遅れたとき、どうやって家に帰るかという問題に直面するかも しれない。

(6) 解説
This idea [6] that two of the essential elements of any problem are the initial situation and the goal.
(6.indicates )
indicates: indicateは指し示す、暗示する
This idea [6].indicates ) that two of the essential elements of any problem are the initial situation and the goal.
この考えは、どの問題でも、初期状態と目標という二つの本質的な要素が あることを暗示している。


問2 下線部(1)~(4)を言い換える場合に最も適当な単語を、それぞれa~dから選び記号で答えなさい。
(1) 解答解説
(1) There are many different types of problem, ranging from simple to complex, and trivial of life threatening.
a. crucial     b. decisive     c. minor     d. profound
解答 c
c. trivial :not important a. 重要な b.決定的な d.重大な

(2) Since the problems people deal with are so diverse, it is not necessarily simple to define what a problem is.      
 a. abundant    b. complicated    c. serious    d. varied
解答 d
d. diverse :of various kinds a. 豊富な b.複雑な  c.まじめな

(3) Some scholars say that problems occur when people cannot see how to get from their current situation, whic is probably an undesirable one, to a better one.
 a. inconvenient    b. inevitable    c. present    d. temporary
解答 c
c. current : happening now a. 不便な b.不可避の d.一時の

(4) Something is only a problem if you do not know how to get from the start state to the goal state, since if you can (4)instatly see how to achieve the goal it is not a problem.
 a. confident   b. easily    c. eventually    d. immediately
解答 d
d. instantly:at soon a. 自信を持って b.容易に c.結局 は

問3 解答解説

問3 A~Cに入れるのに適切な語を、a~dから1つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
 a. all    b. another    c. every    d. other
A. c B. b C. d 
For (A. every ) problem there are different types of processes or actions that enable us to get from one state to a beter one; these are called operators. 
中略 (B. another ) feature of many problems is that the process of going from the start state to the goal state cannot be achieved in one stage-you have to pass through a number of intermediate stages to reach the goat. When you try to solve a complex problem, you have to break it up into a series of (C. other ) smaller goals that you tackle one at a time.

A. c 本文「あらゆる問題に、違った形の手順や行動がある」  B. b 本文「多くの問題のもう一つの特徴は……」  C. d 本文「あなたはそれを一連の他のより小さな目標に分けなければならない 」

問4 解答解説

問4 二重下線部が the initial situation の一例を示すものとなるように[    ]の部分を完成させなさい。
 [ be what subject you should choose]
the initial situation may [ be what subject you should choose] 最初の状態は、主題は何を選んだらよいかということかもしれない

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