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都立日比谷高校2009年度英語独自作成問題 長文総合(会話文)問題


Ben and Ann are friends at a junior high school. They have visited Ann's aunt, Kate.Kate lives in an apartment in a large building. 'After having a good time in Kate's apartment, Ben, Ann and Kate are coming down to the front door of the building.Ben: Kate,I hear the sound of the piano. Is someone playing it?
Kate: Oh,you have good ears.There is a meeting room,and we have a piano there.
Ben: Can I see it?
Kate: Sure,but do you have time?
Ben: No problem.We’ll take the next bus.
Kate: Well,the meeting room is on the second floor.First,go up the stairs and take the bridge to the right.Walk over the bridge.Then you’ll come to another wing.Walk into that wing.The piano is in the second room on your left.I have something to do in my apartment. Ⅰ’ll meet you in the meeting roomin a few minutes.See you later.
Ann: Let’s go. Why are you so interested in the piano?
Ben: A few years ago,a famous jazz musician came to my town. He gave a wonderfu plano concert,and I really liked it. After that,When I find a plano,I always sit down at it. I put my hands on the keyboard. I close my eyes,and my fingers begin to move.Then the music I heard at the concert comes back tome.
Ann: So,when you are at the piano,you imagine that you ( ① ). Here we are at the meeting room! Oh,nobody is here now. You can try.
Ben: OK.Ann: Oh,your music is beautiful,Ben. I didn’t know you play the piano.
Ben: Thank you.Ann,Kate is coming.Kate: Wow,you’re a good musician!
Ben: Can I continue? It’swonderful to play music.I can sit down at the piano for hours when I have a chance toplay.Ⅰ’m in another world in front of the piano.
'Kate:Go ahead,Ben. Nobody will mind. Edith Lee,one of my friends living here,likes music very much. Her apartment is on this floor across the yard. I'll go and invite her here. Ben remembers a day about five years ago. He was asking Mr. Wood, a famous pianist, to give him a lesson. Mr. Wood listened to Ben's playing and began to talk.
 Mr.Wood:You are ten years old and you haven’t started playing the piano yet?
Ben: No.I've never had a plano. My father writes books. He needs a quiet home.Mr.Wood:Well,all of my students start their lessons early. You should be under the age of sevent to join my class. You can’t enter my class,but there’s something good in your playing. I feel your heart in your music.
Ben: Can I be a musician?
Mr.Wood: Music comes from your heart.Don’t forget that.Then you’l know there is more than one way to be a musician.In the meeting room, Ann and Kate are listening to Ben's piano. Ms. Lee joins them.
Kate: This boy will be a great piano player someday.
Ms.Lee: He is a great piano player.Ben,When Kate said she found a musician,she was right.Your heart comes straight out of the tune.
Ben: Thankyou.Mr.Lee: Your music is beautiful.I was worrying about my future,but now I feel better.I had an accident last month and broke my leg.My doctor said it would take a long time for me to be able to walk again.Then your music has given me hope.
Ben: It’s really wonderful to see how music makes people happy.
Ann: What’s the name of the song you played? Ben: It’s“Return to the Heart.” I like the song.It’s a song of peace and joy.
Ms.Lee:I was looking on the dark side of life because of my broken leg,but I can see the light because of your music.
Ben: I'm glad to hear that.The song really has a power to return ( ④ ) to our heart.
Ann: How did you learn to play the piano,Ben?
Ben: I've never had a plano.I've never taken a lesson.In fact,about five years ago,I asked Mr.Wood to give me lessons.
Ann; What did he say to you?Ben: Well,he said,“You are too【a/be/of/to/mine/student].’’Then he said music comes from my heart.I still remember his words.
Ms. Lee : Then,do you always practice the piano by yourself?
Ben: Yes.About learning to play the piano,I was not lucky.If you have a good teacher,you’ll have many chances to be a musician."Missing the first chance takes a lot of things away from you.
Kate: I guess it does but you don’t have to give up your dream.
Ms.Lee: Ⅰ’ll tell you my idea about your talent.In deserts you can find flowers only after rain.Plants wait for rain for a long time.Then they finally have a chance to have flowers.You are such a plant,and your talent is the flower.
Kate: I have another idea to tell you.Ms.Lee says your chance will come,but I don’t think just waitingis enough. Do you know how to make a bright diamond?You have to grind the stone well.It’s hard work.If you don’t do this work,the diamond doesn’t give any light.You are just like a stone which needs this work.
Ben: Thankyou,everyone.
Ben and Ann are on their way home.
Ben: I won’t give up my dream,Today I’ve realized what I have to do.It’s about my piano and music.When Ms.Lee and Kate were telling stories of a flower and a diamond,I realized that.
Ann: What do you have to do about your piano and music?
Ben: Here is my idea.( ⑦ )
Ann:Your idea has the messages ofthe desert flowers and the diamond,Ben!It is telling exactly the things Kate and Ms.Lee want you to do!Ben: My idea also has the idea of one more person.You’ve forgotten about him.
Ann: Him?Who?
Ben: Mr.Wood.When Ms.Lee was moved by my playlng,I knew Mr.Wood was right.
Ann: Of course!Your idea has everything Kate,Ms.Lee and Mr.Wood want you to do,Ben!

[間1〕 の中に,自分で内容を考え,本文の流れに合う英語を入れて,英文を完成しなさい。
[間2〕 I can sit down at the piano for hours when I have a chance to play.の意味として最も適切なものを選びなさい。
ア Playing the piano is so exciting that I forget about myself when I am at it.
イ Playing the piano for many hours is fun when I am with great musicians.
ウ I can stay at the piano for many hours because I have nothing to do now.
工 I will have a lot of time before I have another chance to play the piano.
〔間3〕 He is a great pianis player.とあるが,このときMs.Leeが言いたかったこととして,最も適切なものを選びなさい。
ア Ben likes to play a big piano very much.
イ Ben plays the piano very well even now.
ウ I don’t think Ben’s playing is good,but it’ll be.
エ I must repeat Kate’s words because she’s right.
〔間4〕 の中に,どのような英語を入れるのがよいか。本文中で使われている連続した3語をそのまま抜き出して書きなさい。
〔間5〕“You are too[a/be/of/to/mine/student】.”とあるが,不足する1語を補って,本文の流れに合うように,【]内の語を正しく並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。
〔間6〕 I guess it does,の意味として最も適切なものを選びなさい。
アYou know how to find a teacher when you have difficult experiences.
イ You get a different job when you miss the chance to be a musician.
ウ You get a chance to have a good teacher only when you are lucky.
エ You have a hard time when you don’t learn from a good teacher.
〔間7〕 の中に,本文の流れに合うように,自分で内容を考え,20語以上の英文を書きなさい。なお,英文は二つ以上にしてもよい。
meetingroomとMs.Lee’s apartmentの位置を正しく示したものを選びなさい。ただし,1階から2階へ階段を昇る位置と方向は,矢印のとおりとする。(図省略)
ア Before going to the meeting room of the building,Ann knew Ben was good at playlng the piano.
イ Ben’s father needed a newhouse more than a new piano five years ago,and Ben didn’t buy a piano.
ウ Ben helped Ms.Lee back home because Ms.Lee fell down in to a dark place and broke her leg.
'エ Ben has never taken a piano lesson,but now he has his own piano and practices without help from a teacher.
オ Mr.Wood said Ben couldn’t join his class,but Mr.Wood didn’t mean Ben had no chance to be a musician.

都立日比谷高校2009年度英語独自作成問題 長文総合(会話文)解説解答

Kate: Well,the meeting room is on the second floor.First,go up the stairs and take the bridge to the right.Walk over the bridge.Then you’ll come to another wing.Walk into that wing.The piano is in the second room on your left.
解答  イ 

[問9] 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~オから一つ選びなさい。
ア Before going to the meeting room of the building,Ann knew Ben was good at playlng the piano.
イ Ben’s father needed a newhouse more than a new piano five years ago,and Ben didn’t buy a piano.
ウ Ben helped Ms.Lee back home because Ms.Lee fell down in to a dark place and broke her leg.
エ Ben has never taken a piano lesson,but now he has his own piano and practices without help from a teacher.
オ Mr.Wood said Ben couldn’t join his class,but Mr.Wood didn’t mean Ben had no chance to be a musician.
解答 オ

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