
巣鴨高校過去問対策2008年度英語入試問題長文読解にチャレンジ 問題




1. Why did Dunant feel shocked to see the war in Solferino?

   Because he saw a lot of wounded men and didn't find (   )(   )(   ) care of them.

2. Why did Dunant become famous?

  He became famous for (   )(   )(   ) help people in wars.

3. Why did the twelve nations sign a paper?

  They signed it (   )(   )(   ) in the Red Cross.

4. Why did Dunant live on different streets in Switzerand?

  Because he didn't succeed in (   )(   )(   ) and resigned from the Red Cross.

5. What is the flag on Switzerland like?

  It is (   )(   )(   ) on a red flag.


問1 解説解答 
1. Why did Dunant feel shocked to see the war in Solferino?

   Because he saw a lot of wounded men and didn't find (   )(   )(   ) care of them.

Why did Dunant feel shocked to see the war in Solferino?

   Because he saw a lot of wounded men and didn't find ( anybody )( to  )( take ) care of them.


  Dunant saw the war, and he was shocked. There were thousands of wounded men.
There was nobody to take care of them.負傷者の.手当をする者は誰もいなかった。 not ~ any (何も~ない 全否定) nobody = not ~ anybody(誰も~ない) 

問2 解説解答

2. Why did Dunant become famous?

  He became famous for (   )(   )(   ) help people in wars.


Why did Dunant become famous?

  He became famous for ( his  )(  idea )( to  ) help people in wars.



He had a good idea to help people in wars. He wanted every country to have volunteers. The volunteers take care of the wounded people in wars.戦争で傷ついた人々を助けるという彼の考えによって有名になった。具体的には赤十字社の設立です。

問3 解説解答

3. Why did the twelve nations sign a paper?

  They signed it (   )(   )(   ) the Red Cross.


Why did the twelve nations sign a paper?

  They signed it ( to  )( take  )(  in ) the Red Cross.

 何故12カ国が書類に署名したのでか。 12カ国は赤十字に参加するために署名した。 take part in~ ~に参加する

問4 解説解答

4. Why did Dunant live on different streets in Switzerand?

  Because he didn't succeed in (   )(   )(   ) and resigned from the Red Cross.


Why did Dunant live on different streets in Switzerand?

  Because he didn't succeed in ( his  )( own  )( business ) and resigned from the Red Cross.



But his own business had problems. His business had no money. Some people in Geneva were angry because they lost money. too. Dunant resigned from the Red Cross. Now he had no money and no home. デュナンは彼自身の事業に失敗し財産も家もなくしたからです。

問5 解説解答

5. What is the flag on Switzerland like?

  It is (   )(   )(   ) on a red flag.


What is the flag on Switzerland like?

  It is ( a  )( white  )( cross ) on a red flag.

 スイスの国旗はどのようなものですか。 what ~ like  ~はどのようなものか

The symbol of the Red Cross is
a red cross on a white flag. It is the reverse of the flag of Switzerland. 赤十字の旗は白地に赤の十字のデザインで、スイスの国旗の反対ですから、スイスの国旗は赤地に白の十字のデザインです。

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